30 min Online Coaching to use your FREE Solutions Kit Classroom

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30 min Online Coaching to use your FREE Solutions Kit Classroom


Description: You can access certified Pyramid Coach/Trainer for 30 min for a one on one how to use this kit provides teachers with the tools they need to help their little ones to develop the necessary skills  to engage with difficult feelings and to foster their capacity to express a variety of  feelings, resolve conflict, and to increase their overall social emotional competence. 

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Use of NCPMI Resources
All materials available on the NCPMI website, unless otherwise stated, may be reproduced or shared in their original form for educational purposes. This includes using videos and other multimedia materials for training purposes. When distributing or sharing TACSEI resources, please include authors (if applicable) and the following information: "Created by and available from the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) at ChallengingBehavior.org".

Kit Includes:

Laminated / Binded:  We Can Be Problem Solver’s 

Storage container with the following items:

Plush Flower

LED Candle

Bendy Tube

Car Wash Mit

Sand Timer

Key Ring with Solutions

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